[Wizard of Oz] Ruth Plumly Thompson (1891-1976) Five Titles. Kabumpo in Oz , Chicago: The Reilly & Lee Co., 1923, illustrated by John R. Neill, later printing, in dark blue green cloth, front cover paper label illustrated in full color, spine ampersand in standard form, illustration on page [299] shows Kabumpo the Elephant, with the jacket, edge chipping to jacket, 9 x 6 1/2 in. Grampa in Oz , Chicago: The Reilly & Lee Co., 1924, first edition, brick red cloth with paper label illustrated in full cover, page numeral at the bottom of page 171 undamaged, no jacket, 9 x 6 1/2 in. The Lost King of Oz , Chicago: The Reilly & Lee Co., 1925, illustrated by John R. Neill, first edition, medium blue cloth, front cover paper label illustrated in full color, twelve color plates coated on the printed side only, the letter "k" in the word "back" on page 193, line 4 damaged, no jacket, 9 x 6 1/2 in. The Gnome King of Oz , Chicago: The Reilly & Lee Co., 1927, illustrated by Neill, first edition, in bright green cloth, front cover paper label illustrated in full color, twelve full-color inserted plates, no dust jacket, slight cock, some stains to spine, 9 x 6 1/2 in. [and] The Giant Horse of Oz , Chicago: The Reilly & Lee Co., 1928, first edition, in brick-red cloth with front cover paper label illustrated in full color with twelve inserts, misprint on frontispiece caption, no jacket, 9 x 6 1/2 in. (5)
