Portuguese Imprints, Fine Bindings, Diarios Ecclesiasticos and Almanacks Familiars , 18th and 19th Century. Including six Diarios Ecclesiasticos in full leather bindings in white, red, green, and tan, all elaborately tooled in gilt, 1797-1844, all printed in Lisbon, small 12mo, some with folding hand-colored maps; Folhinha Historica , Lisbon: da Rocha, 1845, in gold-tooled tan morocco; Officio Particular em Lovvor do Principe dos Anjos Sao Miguel Archanjo , Lisbon: Ant. Alz Impr. Del Rey, 1652, miniature format, 16 leaves, in gold-tooled red morocco; and five 19th century Portuguese almanacs. (14)
