Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan (1859-1930) Autograph Letter Signed, London, 18 January 1910. Three inscribed pages on folded Piccadilly Hotel stationery. To an American theatre manager concerning the running of his play "The House of Temperley." Folds, a few light spots, 7 x 4 1/2 in. folded. "My dear Sir, I am grieved to think that for the second time you have had ill luck in running one of my plays. It is always a consolation to my mind in putting on my own plays--as I have twice done here--that no one can suffer but myself. I am very sorry indeed that you in America should be the loser. If "Temperley" should be a success there it will diminish any pleasure that it should not be in your hands to partly compensate you for the failures. It is playing here to steadily increasing business, and will do well here, I believe, but there is an English atmosphere to it which might be against it over there. Faversham has bought the rights but he will find no star part in it, which he may not like. I cabled you today about [Cyril] Maude because I am so anxious to retain him if possible. He is not--between ourselves--much of an actor, so that I cannot think his absence would affect a play much, but he is excellent in the boxing, and for that reason has a special value in my play. I am sure you will do what you can, and if you hold on to him I will understand that you have some good reason. As it is two of my valued cast, Gwenn and Heggie, have [...] to the Duke of York. That is a calamit Read more…
