Wooton Renaissance Revival Walnut and Bird's-eye Maple Superior Grade Cabinet Secretary, Indianapolis, Indiana, last quarter 19th century, the cabinet with burl panels and part-ebonized and parcel-gilt details throughout, the superstructure with a central paneled arch flanked by carved eagles and urn-form finals, above a pair of half-domed paneled doors each centering a letter slot, one slot cast: "MANUFACTURED BY THE/WOOTON DESK CO/Indianapolis, IND/PAT OCT 6, 1874," the interior of one door with open document dividers and compartments centering an inlaid prospect door, the other door interior fitted with green cardboard drawers, the case centering a rectangular hinged lid inlaid throughout with various checkered patterning, opening to reveal a baize-lined writing surface, additional document dividers, and inlaid drawers, over a column of four short drawers flanked by open compartments, all raised a conforming base with casters, ht. 81, wd. 42 1/2, dp. 29 3/4 in. N.B. An example of this model is pictured in An Encyclopedia of Desks , by Mark Bridge, p. 100, fig. 176. Provenace: Purportedly purchased from James Cole family of Peru, Indiana about 30 years ago. It had been in the same family for 5 generations from the time it was purchased new. There was a handwritten list detailing which Cole family members owned the desk through the years and a copy of this list is available upon request.
