Gorham Tuileries Pattern Sterling Silver Flatware Service, Providence, Rhode Island, early 20th century, monogrammed, twenty-one teaspoons, twelve each: coffee spoons, bouillon spoons, ice cream forks, oyster forks, flat spreaders, tablespoons, dinner forks, salad forks, fish forks, dessert forks, fish knives, blunt dinner knives, blunt dessert knives, and citrus or fruit knives; eight dessert spoons, six salt spoons, two each: sugar sifters, cream ladles, one with gold-washed bowl; ice serving spoon, sugar tongs, sauce ladle, butter pick, pie server, soup ladle, asparagus server, serving fork with pierced tines, small serving spoon with pierced bowl, ice cream server, large fish serving knife, crumb knife, salad serving fork and spoon, two carving forks, large and small carving knives, and sharpening rod, approx. 267.8 troy oz. weighable silver, in original brass-mounted oak fitted case on stand labeled for "Gorham & Co. New York."
