Federal-style Commode Chest, Harold Ionson, Westwood, Massachusetts, c. 2001, the demilune top with radiating panels of mahogany and crotch birch, and a polychrome panel of seashells, painted by Jonathan Fairbanks, all bordered by stringing and rosewood crossbanding, with a dark inlaid edge, over a conforming case of four graduated drawers and eight hinged compartments, flanked by half-engaged, reeded, and ring-turned columns topped by carved foliate devices, raised on cast brass hairy paw feet, ht. 41 3/4, wd. 50, dp. 25 in. Note: This commode chest is a copy of the Thomas Seymour, James Cogswell, Thomas Wightman, and John Penniman collaboration, purchased by Elizabeth Derby West in 1809.
