Group of Shaker Sewing-related Items, Enfield, New Hampshire, 19th and 20th century, comprising a large oval five-finger box with brown-red stain; two smaller oval boxes lacking their tops, one containing a variety of threads; a yellow-painted box with pincushion containing wax and a small ruler; a red-painted tray containing twelve mostly Shaker thread spools, five of them painted yellow; a pair of Shaker silk gloves; a red and white woven handkercheif with ink inscription "Rosetta"; a "REAL SCOTCH OR AYRSHIRE HONE" with labeled cardboard sheath; a small pair of steel scissors; two hardwood clothespins, one reportedly from Enfield; ten bone or horn sewing implements in a linen sugar bag monogrammed "RC," probably for Sister Rosetta Cummings of Enfield; an early 20th century cardboard box with sewing implements including a purple felt needleholder stitched with the letter "R"; three letters written to Mrs. Carl Weighman and a Mrs. Jeffries by Sister Rosetta Cummings in 1923, a calling card for Rosetta Cummings and Fannie C. Fallon, a receipt from the Trustees at Enfield totalling $96.00 for goods purchased by Mrs. Carl Weighman on September 14, 1923, including several pieces of furniture; a dated 1940 photograph of two women, probably Rosetta Cummings and Fannie Fallon, Sisters at the Enfield, New Hampshire, community. Note: Much of this lot was acquired directly from Sisters Rosetta Cummings and Fannie Fallon in 1923.
