Bronze Posnet, John Taylor, Richmond, Virginia, c. 1790-1810, the vessel on three feet, the handle marked "INo. TAYLOR RICHMOND," (imperfections), lg. 19, dia. 8 1/2 in. Note: In his collection notes, Howard Roth writes, "at one time the handle partially separated from the bowl and was repaired." He also makes note of John Taylor's advertisement in the Virginia Gazette , June 5, 1793, in which Taylor publicizes his products including, "bell metal skillets, pans and mortars, copper tea-kettles, pans, and coal boxes of all sizes; a great variety of coach mountings, and many fancy patterns, executed with neatness and dispatch, pewter candle molds, dishes, plates, and basins, brass candlesticks..." Mr. Roth points out that "Taylor was one of the few molders of bronze posnets (skillets) that did not work in the large metro areas of Newport, Boston, Philadelphia, New York, [or] Baltimore." Provenance: The Howard Roth Collection.
