Three Cast Iron Pots, New York, early to mid-19th century, the round-bellied pot with gate mark, on three feet, with cast-in mark "JOB CHANDLER" within dotted border, with bail handle, (imperfections), ht. 9 1/2, dia. 10 1/4; another round-bellied vessel on three feet with bail handle, with raised marks "POCASSET" and "3 GALL," (imperfections), ht. 10, dia. 12; another round-bellied vessel on three feet with raised mark, "OH," (imperfections), ht. 9 1/2, dia. 10 1/4 in. Note: In his collection notes Howard Roth gathered references to Job Chandler that indicate he was a merchant on Maiden Lane in New York c. 1830-50. Mr. Roth's notes included Chandler's advertisements in the New York Tribune (1843) and Sheldon & Co.'s Business or Advertising Directory , (New York: John F. Trow & Company), 1845, p. 100. Provenance: The Howard Roth Collection.
