Collection of Assorted Silver and Silver-plated Flatware, mostly sets, including six Wallace "Concord" orange spoons, eight small Gorham "Mothers" spoons and twelve teaspoons, eight Towle "Paul Revere" salad forks, two tablespoons, and twelve spreaders, twelve Knowles "Lexington" dinner forks, six Lunt "Pynchon" teaspoons, a pair of Watson "King Philip" serving spoons, a pair of Towle "Old Newbury" tablespoons, a pair of Durgin "Fairfax" serving spoons, twelve Farrington & Hunnewell forks, a collection of coin silver spoons, mostly B. Goddard, A.F. Burbank, and Wm. B. Durgin, and other items, approx. 115.5 troy oz. weighable silver.
