Small Group of Assorted Sterling Silver Flatware Serving Items, including a Gorham "Baronial-Old" ladle, an Alvin "Old Orange Blossom" gold-washed berry spoon and single fork, a Dominick & Haff "Blossom" gold-washed berry spoon, a small Tiffany & Co. fork and spoon with gold-washed ends, a Tiffany & Co. child's fork, spoon, and knife set, a Tiffany & Co. "Olympian" sauce ladle, a pair of Whiting "Dorothy Vernon" tongs, a set of eleven International "Royal Danish" demitasse spoons, a pair of Tiffany & Co. "Wild Rose" condiment spoons, an International animal-handled baby fork and spoon, a Dominick & Haff souvenir spoon with alligator terminal, and other items, approx. 39.0 troy oz.
