Group of Late 19th Century Mostly Enameled Gold, Silver, and Copper Sporting Medals, including two C. S. Powell 1893 Princeton gold-filled medals for half-mile and freshman 440 yard dash, two Robert Stoll sterling Princeton medals, an 1893 440 yard dash and an 1896 track athletic association, two miscellaneous Robert Stoll Princeton medals, a 10kt gold Robert Stoll 1895 Pastime Athletic Club I Company 12th Regiment medal for the 440 yard run, a gilt Robert Stoll medal commemorating the 1900 Jeu De Barre event at the Westend Military Tournament, a 10kt 1892 middleweight wrestling championship medal, and three Harvard medals, two copper for the 1893 shot put and 60 yard dash, and a 10kt 1893 440 yard run, together with miscellaneous assorted metal and enameled medals.
