Three Large Wax Dolls, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Phillip, and the Queen Mum, Lillian Eauclaire, Sand Lake, New York, 1957, Queen Elizabeth II with jeweled crown, mohair wig, molded wax head, face, arms, and hands, beaded white satin dress, and faux ermine-trimmed purple velvet cape; Prince Phillip with gold-trimmed blue cap, molded wax head, face, arms, and hands, and blue and gold-decorated military costume; the Queen Mum seated in white-painted chair with floral-decorated velvet hat, molded wax head, face, arms, and hands, and velvet dress with faux fur collar (damage). Note: These dolls were constructed by Lillian Eauclaire, the owner and curator of Yesteryears Antique Doll Museum in Sand Lake, New York, in the winter of 1957 in honor of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II of England.
