After Gianantonio Faldoni (Italian, 1690-1770) and Giovanni Cattini (Italian, 1715-1804) Four Framed Engravings: Sopra la Porto Maggiore della Chiesa Ducale di S. Marco , Plates XLIII-XLVI Three signed "G. Ant. Faldoni scupt." in the plates l.r., Plate XLIV signed "Gio. Cattini sculpt." in the plate l.r. Engravings on paper, sight sizes 17 x 13 in. (43.2 x 33.0 cm). Condition: Plate XLIV with tear around the plate number, not examined out of frames. N.B. These engravings depict the horses of San Marco, the Triumphal Quadriga , above the central portal of the cathedral in Venice. The Venetians placed the grouping there to represent their victory and dominance over the Byzantine Empire and Constantinople. The original gilded bronze horses are now housed in the cathedral's museum.
