Louis E. Meyer "Grand Complication" Skeleton Clock, St. Charles, Missouri, 1876, the ebonized pedestal supports two columns with maker's boss and dates, the object left reads: Made by L. E. Meyer/St. Charles, MO/1876 , object right Destroyed/ by a Tornado/ Feb. 27th 1876/Restored/1877 ; the three train movement winding through the front of the pedestal, powers seven dials, automata and two globes, the center dial showing hours, minutes and seconds with a five-wheel train behind, deadbeat escapement, adjustable beat setting and 10-in. (effective length), five bar, steel and possibly German silver grid iron compensating pendulum with cast brass decorative bob, all capped with a geared "rise and fall" mechanism and cast soldier finial, below a Leap Year indicator dial, and finally the day, date and month; on the object's right side top, a rotating world globe, below degrees of longitude each hour and meridian for twenty-four places on the globe, below, a pair of winged automata with hammers to strike the bell on the quarter hour and flanking the main dial on the left, another automaton striking the hours on a bell under a revolving moon and lunar calendar; object's right lower dial for length and decrease of days, vernal and autumnal equinox, summer and winter solstice indications with quarter striking count wheel movement behind, the opposing dial for sunrise/set, equation of time, weeks and days of the year with hour striking movement behind and both listed for Latitude Read more…
