William Cummens "Directions for Putting Up the Timepiece," Roxbury, Massachusetts, c. 1810, 6 x 4 1/2-in. printed label with directions for setting up a timepiece or "banjo" clock, describing how to plumb the case so that the pendulum swings free, screwing it to the wall, setting the pendulum in motion, etc., and that these timepieces are made by licence from the Patentee, by William Cummens, Roxbury, (near Boston) Massachusetts. , in an antique banded mahogany frame, 7 x 8 x 1/2 in. Note: Nearly identical text is found on printed labels by Aaron Willard, Jr., Boston, see Paul Foley, Willard's Patent Timepieces , p. 49; for an example of a different Cummens label titled Directions to set the Timepiece Agoing , see Husher and Welch, A Study of Simon Willard's Clocks , p. 95.
