Northeast Beaded Bag with Thunderbird Motif, possibly Iroquois, c. 1830s, beaded on hide with central floral motif on verso, green silk extended top and red silk strap, wd. 6 3/8, ht. 8 1/2 in. Literature: A Cherished Curiosity: The Souvenir Beaded Bag in Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Art , 2012, p. 70; Made of Thunder, Made of Glass , exhibition catalog, 2006, p. 22. Exhibitions: Made of Thunder, Made of Glass, Abby Museum, Bar Harbor, Maine, 2006, Memorial Hall Museum, Deerfield, Massachusetts, 2007, Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum, Warner, New Hampshire, 2008, The Institute for American Indian Studies, Washington, Connecticut, 2009.
