Seven Art Glass Vessels, a Sailboat Sculpture, and a Bowl, Europe and America, late 20th century, a triangular vase shading from blue to lavender with two clear handles at rim, a drop-shaped bowl in transparent green with a red interior, a circular shallow bowl in transparent green and cobalt, an oval bowl in clear glass with a cobalt interior, a clear elliptical bowl, and an oval bowl of clear glass with a horizontal band of cobalt, all unmarked, and a Daniel Edler glass bottle marked "Jade Opal Diamond 1966, A9-53" on base, ht. 1 to 14 1/2; the sailboat sculpture with a clear hull, the sail dark blue shading to clear, unmarked; and a Hadeland Glassverk bowl, Jevnaker, Norway, dated 1993, and a bell-shaped bowl in mottled ruby, rim in striated lavender, marked "...93," ht. 6 3/4, dia. (aperture) 12 1/2 in.
