Silver Porringer, Paul Revere, Jr. , Boston, Massachusetts, c. 1770, the slightly flared rim on a bulbous body with convex base marked on the inside "REVERE" (Kane mark B), and the pierced scroll handle engraved "P/DB" above slightly later initials "BP," lg. 8 1/2, dia. 5 1/2 in. Note: Colonial Massachusetts Silversmiths and Jewelers , by Patricia Kane, records a Paul Revere, Jr., porringer in the collection of the Worcester Art Museum of nearly identical form and engraved on the handle "P/DB" above the slightly later initials "MP" as having belonged to David and Betiah (Ingersoll) Pearce. Genealogical research reveals that David (1736-1818) and Betiah (1740-92) Pearce lived in Gloucester, Massachusetts and together had nine children. The close similarity to the style of engraving of the two porringers suggest that they are related and likely originated in the same family. Their first-born child, Bethia (1761-96), is the only child whose name corresponds with the initials "BP" on this porringer. Their third child, Mary (1763-c. 1838), is the only child whose name corresponds with the initials "MP" on the Worcester Art Museum example.
