Double-sided Twelve-panel Coromandel Screen, China, Kangxi period (1662-1722), both sides carved, colored, and lacquered in kuancai technique, one side illustrating the Peach Festival, a legendary banquet with Xi Wangmu in the upper center, the Jade Emperor in the upper right, along with various legendary figures and immortals including Shoulao sitting in the center, the other side depicting a myriad of birds and flowers in a continuous scene, both scenes surrounded with a broad band of the "Hundred Antiques," floral sprays and arrangements, and mythical animals, a C. T. Loo sticker on the leftmost panel of the bird-and-flower side, each panel ht. 101 1/2, wd. 21 1/4 in. Provenance: The collection of Andre Carlhian (1883-1968), purchased at C.T. Loo, New York, with receipt dated, November the 9th, 1931. Literature: Exhibition of Chinese-Indian and Cambodian Art , formed by C.T. Loo, Wildenstein Gallery, 647 Fifth Avenue, New York, November 9 to the 21st, 1931, p. 29.
