Stephen Maxfield Parrish (American, 1846-1938) Autumn Vista Signed "Stephen Parrish" l. r. Oil on panel, 16 x 22 in. (40.6 x 55.8 cm), framed. Condition: Surface grime. Provenance: From "Northcote," the home and studio of Stephen Parrish in Cornish, New Hampshire, acquired by the family of the current owner in the mid-1960s. N.B. This lot came from Stephen Parrish's Cornish, New Hampshire, home and studio "Northcote," which was purchased and restored in the mid 1960s. The house was designed by Philadelphia architect Wilson Eyre and was built for Stephen Parrish as his summer home and studio in 1897. The house is located on a ridge overlooking the Connecticut River off Lang Road. Stephen's son Maxfield built his home, "The Oaks," on an adjacent ridge in Plainfield, New Hampshire. Neighbors included Charles Platt and Augustus St. Gaudens, among others. Later residents included J.D. Salinger, also a resident of Lang Road.
