Gould, John (1804-1881) Four Hummingbird Prints, and Six Additional Prints of Different Species. Colored lithographic plates of the following hummingbirds: Oxypogon Lindenii, Lophornis Chalybeus, Ramphomicron Ruficeps, and Ramphomicron Heteropogon; [and] Chlamydodera Cervineiventris; Ailuraedus Melanotus, Manucodia Atra, Manucodia Chalybeus, and Amblyornis Inorantus; [with] a black and white plate of beaks and feet of nineteen different species; all unframed with chipped and damaged edges, three of the four hummingbird plates with a crusty surface to the paper as though they were sprayed with a fixative, sizes vary. (10)
