Theocritus (fl. circa 270 BC) Idylles de Theocrite Traduites en Francais par J.B. Gail , [bound with] Les Amours de Leandre et de Hero. Paris: Imprimerie de Baudelot et Eberhart, L'An IV [1795/6]; [and] Paris: Chez Gail, L'An Quatrieme [1795/96]. Two titles bound in two large quarto volumes, new edition of Jean-Baptiste Gail's (1755-1829) translation of Theocritus first published in 1792, French and Greek text on facing pages, both works illustrated with full-page engravings; bound in full contemporary marbled calf, rolled gilt borders on boards, inner gilt dentelles, smooth spines gilt in compartments with red lettering pieces, a.e.g., blue silk bookmarks, marbled endleaves, one corner bumped, 10 x 7 3/4 in. (2)
