Dutch Manuscript Prayer Book with Three Hand-colored Woodcuts, Late 15th Century. Small format manuscript mainly on paper, ninety-eight leaves, two parchment leaves, containing a variety of devotional texts from different periods in Latin and Dutch as follows: two leaves of Latin prayers; two leaves (parchment) of music; eight leaves containing Dutch and Latin prayers; one leaf of Latin prayers in a novice hand; hand-colored woodcut of Christ post-crucifixion, seated beneath the cross, with emblems relevant to his ordeal in the background, including the communion wafer and goblet, and instruments of torture, the crown of thorns and a pair of dice by his feet in the foreground, Christ himself is wounded and bloody; twenty-two leaves of Dutch prayers in a humanist hand, beginning with, "Die doornen croone ons heeren Jhesu Christi"; smaller slip of paper bound into the book with a short prayer in Dutch; twenty leaves in a gothic hand, with headlines in red; hand-colored woodcut of Madonna and child, within a border illustrated with fruit, birds, and flowers; fourteen additional leaves, a continuation of the previously described manuscript; hand-colored woodcut of the crucifixion; twenty-one leaves of the same manuscript; six leaves in a few different hands with short prayers; contents good in a 19th century binding done in Renaissance style, with blind stamps and raised bands, slightly worn, edges stained blue, 5 x 3 1/2 in.
