Cruikshank and Rowlandson, English Caricaturist Illustrators, Six Titles in Eleven Volumes. Including: William Makepeace Thackeray's An Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank , London: Redway, 1884, extra-illustrated with the insertion of an additional 117 plates (some folding, hand-colored), full dark blue morocco, lacking the front board; W. Harrison Ainsworth's Windsor Castle , London: Colburn, 1844, with a holograph envelope in Ainsworth's hand, bound up from original parts, covers bound at back, in full crushed olive morocco, abrasions, spine darkened; William Combe's The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax , London: Nattali & Bond, 1855, volume two only, with twenty-four colored illustrations by Rowlandson, in full red calf, joints starting, dry, boards slightly reflexed; Ainsworth's Jack Sheppard , London: Bentley, 1839, three volumes in full contemporary blind-stamped and gilt-lettered cloth, slipcase; Punch and Judy, London: Bell & Sons, 1881, sixth edition, colored plates, some torn, full crushed morocco, gilt; and The Humourist, a Collection of Entertaining Tales, Anecdotes, Epigrams, Bon Mots, &c. &c. , London: Nimmo, 1892, forty colored illustrations by Cruikshank, copy #143 of 260, in uniform publisher's burgundy cloth, paper labels on spines, corners bumped, damage to front board of volume two. (11)
