Lee Robert E. (1807-1870) Letter Signed, West Point, 30 December 1853. Single laid paper leaf, inscribed on one and a quarter pages. To General George H. Devereux concerning his son's misconduct at West Point. Old folds, a few faint rust spots, 9 3/4 x 7 3/4 in. The misbehaving son in question, whom Lee states was absent from his quarters, had spirits in his possession, and failed to halt when ordered, was fifteen-year-old Arthur Devereux (1838-1906) who, after dropping out of West Point, went on to have a distinguished military career. With a keen interest in Zouave, the French precision drill style, he rose to Captain of the Salem Light Infantry in 1859. On the Union side during the Civil War, Devereux fought against Robert E. Lee's forces with the 19th Massachusetts at the Battle of Gettysburg; plugging the hole made by the Confederate soldiers at Pickett's Charge. He was eventually made honorary brevet brigadier general, U.S. Volunteers, by President Andrew Jackson for gallant services during the war.
