"MOTHER'S/KOFFEE HOUSE" Advertising Basket and Assorted Contents, 19th/early 20th century, the red-painted metal basket with metal handle and printed inscription "MOTHER'S/KOFFEE HOUSE/CAMDEN, N. J." and the following items: two slate boards, two sled-form pencil boxes, a paint-decorated miniature sled, a wood and metal school book clamp, a brass-handled hook, a wrought iron dough scraper with wooden handle, a litho printed "Krispkrunch Peanut" can, a paint-decorated tole writing box, a miniature tin document box, two cookie cutters, a tin witch mold, a blue-painted cylindrical case marked "YALE," a wood sewing box/pincushion, a small sled-form pincushion, a small bellows, a painted noise maker, a wooden cat toy, a "WHO CATCHES WHO?" game, an "America's Greatest Blotter's" blotter, and a 1913 red silk 46th annual encampment Department of New Jersey Camden GAR badge.
