Stoneware Butter Churn, Three Jugs, and a Flask, America, 19th century, the five-gallon churn with ledge lid within mouth, applied lug handles, incised cobalt ring decoration marked "WHITES UTICA, N. Y./5" with wooden lid and paddle; a cylindrical jug with straight neck and applied strap handle inscribed in blue cobalt script "The Trenton Wine & Liquor Co./120 S. Broad St./Trenton, N.J."; a two-gallon jug with flared collar mouth, applied strap handle and floral cobalt decoration stamped "2/BIEDINGER & CAIRE/POUGHKEEPSIE NY"; a jug with wide mouth, pouring spout, bail handle and floral cobalt decoration; and a ring-shaped flask, (imperfections), ht. to 17 in.
