Eighteen Lithographic Tin Containers, America, late 19th/early 20th century, including "Moshier Bros. Gilt Edge Spices," "Austin, Nichols & Co., Blue Ribbon Pepper," "Restorff and Bettmann Glycerole for Oiling and Dressing Shoes," "C.D. Kenny Tea Dealer and Coffee Roaster, Baltimore, MD.," "Fitzelberger Bros., Utica, NY, Mustard," "Sterling Dark Tobacco," "Gibson's Linseed and Menthol Lozenges," "John Finzer & Bros., Pastime Plug Tobacco," "Mellomints Absolutely Pure Sugar Confection," "Grant's 'Golden Glow' Dust Mop Polish," "Watkins Pure Ground Pepper," "Golden Crown Brand San Blas Preserved Cocoanut," "Rose's Ceylon Breakfast Cocoa," "Henry Thayer & Co. Slippery Elm Lozenges," "Bee Hive Golden Corn Syrup," "Buckingham Bright Cut Plug Smoking Tobacco," "Philip Morris & Co., Ltd., Inc., Handsome Dan Mixture Granule Tobacco," and "Farrington's Quality India & Ceylon Tea."
