Nine Pieces of Contemporary Art Glass Sculpture Art glass United States, China, Czech Republic A paperweight by Kit Karbler and Michael David (Blake Street Studio) with blue and ruby concentric circles contrasting with the cut and polished faceted form, inscribed Michael David 5984 Kit Karbler; a sperical paperweight by Nicholas Nourot (b. 1983), a spiral of golden and red flakes swirling around the interior, inscribed Nourot . ZW. 21.01...; a triangular paperweight by Edward Nesteruk (b. 1941) with drops of transparent blue suspended in a clear matrix, inscribed Nesteruk 96; a clear sphere by Jan Beranek with an oval of cobalt suspended inside concentric circles of orange, incised Beranek; a teardrop-shaped sculpture with smoky blue interior, unread mark; a spherical paperweight in transparent green glass streaked with iridescent blues, unmarked; a rod of clear glass, star-shaped in section, bent into a "U"-shaped form, unmarked; a cube of clear glass, three of its faces cut with concave depressions, mounted on a square clear base, marked Made in China; and an unsigned colorless glass paperweight, ht. 2 3/4 to 5 1/2 in.
