Three Rookwood Items and a Hampshire Pottery Vase Glazed ceramic Cincinnati, Ohio, and Keene, New Hampshire, early 20th century Rookwood: low dish with scalloped rim in blue and lavender matte glazes, Rookwood mark VII, 1907, 1029 V, dia. 4 1/4, vase with rolled rim and molded floral decoration in dark green matte glaze, Rookwood mark III, 1903, 192DZ, ht. 8 1/4, and vase with molded foliate decoration in golden yellow matte glaze, Rookwood mark XVII, 1917, 2331, ht. 6 3/4; Hampshire vase in bronze green matte glaze, incised Hampshire Pottery 38 and with other inscribed numbers and symbols, ht. 7 1/4 in.
