Paint-decorated Corner Cupboard and Architectural Room Elements, Connecticut, c. 1760-80, including a painted corner cupboard with canted and paneled sides and a molded dentiled cornice over an open arch with paneled spandrels above a recessed interior with a dark brown and green-painted shell above two shaped shelves with a patterned back flanked by reeded stop-fluted pilasters, the lower section with pull out slide and a paneled door below with wrought iron "H" hinges together with seven wainscot panels, a door and a fireplace mantelpiece, later light green paint, but the interior of the cupboard appears to be original, cupboard ht. 98, wd. 65; mantel ht. 56, wd. 72, dp. 7; the largest panel ht. 46, wd. 138 in.
