Washington, Martha (1731-1802) Signed Receipt, 17 April 1800. Single piece of laid paper, inscribed on one side. Signed by Martha upon receipt of 435 pounds from Dr. David Stuart (1753-1814) "in full for the annuity due me for the 1799." The sheet browned, old folds, a rectangular section in the bottom left corner detached along fold lines, some fragmentary writing on verso, 7 1/2 x 3 in. This receipt was collected at Dr. David Stuart's former Virginia plantation home, Hope Park, during the Civil War by Pennsylvania Cavalry Volunteer Captain Martin L. Stone, likely in late summer of 1862 while he was on picket duty. Family documents from Stone's descendants relate that Stone entered the home and found the library floor scattered with papers. He picked up two receipts on that day, one signed by George, the other signed by Martha Washington.
