Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917-1963) Typed Boston College Commencement Address with Handwritten Notes; and Academic Hood, 13 June 1956. Five typewritten pages, carbons, each with notes added in Kennedy's hand in blue ballpoint ink, including the addition of missing words, emphasis points, notes to self, amendments of the typed text, and other refinements; with a copy of the introduction that proceeded Kennedy's address. [Together with] the academic hood presented to Kennedy on the occasion of the Boston College commencement speech, with the tag of E.F.P. Burns Inc., of Summer Street, Boston hand-sewn into the collar, and "JK" written on the tag in ballpoint ink. Senator Kennedy was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws when he presented this commencement address at Boston College in 1956, years before his Presidency. In his remarks, he openly refers to his own Catholic faith, and that of Boston College and its students, urging the graduating class to become involved in politics and governance in whatever capacity they can. Provenance: From the collection of Robert F. Morey, former U.S. Marshall and Kennedy aide; sold in these rooms on November 15, 1997.
