Smith, William (1728-1793) The History of the Province of New-York, from the First Discovery to the Year M. DCC.XXXII, Ex Dono Authoris. London: for Thomas Wilcox, 1757. First edition, large quarto, inscribed on title, "Abrm: Keteltas's the gift of the Author," with Keteltas's (1732-1798) red inked ownership stamp to title; printed invitation from Thomas Jefferson inviting William Keteltas to dine, unsigned and undated, pasted on the verso of the title; armorial bookplate of Abraham L. Smith pasted at the foot of the preface; numerous notes throughout in the hand of Caroline Keteltas, granddaughter of Abraham Keteltas, all circa 1839; the text illustrated with one folding plate, "The South View of Oswego on Lake Ontario"; bound in contemporary boards, rebacked, 10 x 8 in. Abraham Keteltas (1732-1798) was a graduate of Yale University in 1752; he married William Smith's sister and they had eleven children together. Smith was Chief Justice of the Province of New York from 1783 to 1782. This work is the first history of the state of New York published.
