Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865) Five Titles in Eight Volumes, Signed. Including: a signed copy of Ida Tarbell's Life of Abraham Lincoln , New York: Lincoln Society, 1909, in four volumes, burgundy publisher's cloth; W.A. Evans's Mrs. Abraham Lincoln , New York: Knopf, 1932, first, limited edition, number nine of 195, signed by the author, in publisher's dark red cloth decorated with sprayed gold shapes; Paul Angle's Here Have I Lived , Springfield, IL: Lincoln Association, 1935, inscribed author's presentation copy, in full publisher's cloth; William Herndon's The Hidden Lincoln , New York: Viking, 1938, author's signed presentation copy, in publisher's cloth and original dust jacket; [and] Benjamin P. Thomas's Abraham Lincoln , New York: Knopf, 1952, one of 500 copies signed by the author, in publisher's red cloth spine and black boards. (8)
