Group of Assorted Combs and Hair Ornaments, Japan, 19th/20th century, comprising six kogai hairpins including a red lacquered work, the ends decorated with carved floral designs, signed "Joshin"; a kanzashi awl-shape hairpin, signed "Joshin"; a red lacquered stick kanzashi , decorated with floral design in hiramaki-e ; a set of bone comb and kogai hairpin; four yellow amber resin combs; a plastic comb with openwork shaft; a shell comb; and a set of yellow amber resin comb and kanzashi prong hairpin, decorated with pierced floral design; fifteen kogai hairpins including three of black lacquer, three of faux tortoiseshell, one possibly horn, one of bone, seven with decorative ends of various materials and shapes; a bone pin with metal and crystal finial; two wood stickpins with hiramaki-e decorations; a bamboo stick; a bamboo ear-pick spoon; a metal stick; two loose ends from a kogai hairpin (now lost), gilt and chased with the Four Gentlemen; and a metal pin with faux tortoiseshell umbrella-shaped finial, comb wd. to 4 3/4, pin lg. to 8 7/8 in.
