Twelve Assorted Pronged Kanzashi Hairpins, Japan, 20th century, a single-prong yellow amber resin pin with openwork bird and grass decoration; three two-prong resin pins: a yellow amber color pin decorated with carved flowers on a gilt globe, a tortoiseshell-color pin with a flattened gilt globular flask with auspicious designs, and a tortoiseshell-color pin decorated with a three two-prong resin pins: a yellow amber color pin decorated with carved flowers on a gilt globe, a tortoiseshell-color pin with a flattened gilt globular flask with auspicious designs, and a tortoiseshell-color pin decorated with a red globe with shell inlaid design, gilt details, all with an ear-pick spoon head; and eight assorted two-prong metal pins: a parcel-gilt white brass stick decorated with fan-shape metalwork, a parcel-gilt silver-plated stick with openwork metal hexagon and a chased flower, a parcel-gilt brass stick with a round floral work, a silverwork stick with an openwork bird roundel, parcel-gilt brass stick with an openwork bird design, a parcel-gilt stick with a floral design and chased details, a yellow brass stick with a floral plaque, and a parcel-gilt white brass with a floral ball and chased pattern details, lg. to 8 in.
