A group of 20 leather-bound books, 8vo, bound in various shades of green and blue. By Arthur Symons. New York: John Lane Company, 1914. 2 vols. By Francis Rabelais. London: The Navarre Society, 1653. 2 vols. By M. Guizot and Madame Guizot de Witt. Chicago: Hooper, Clarke, n.d. 8 vols. By Samuel Butler. London: C. Bathurst, et al., 1772. 2 vols. By Friedrich Von Schiller. New York: Aldus, n.d. By Friedrich Von Schiller. New York: Aldus, n.d. By Friedrich Von Schiller. New York: Aldus, n.d. By Friedrich Von Schiller. New York: Aldus, n.d. By Friedrich Von Schiller. New York: Aldus, n.d. By Stefan Zweig. Paris: Editions Bernard Grasset, n.d.

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