comprising 8 dinner plates, 8 lunch plates, 16 side plates, 8 side dishes, 4 segmented dinner plates, 6 salad bowls, 4 soup bowls, 4 dessert bowls, 4 butter dishes, 14 teacups and 9 saucers, 4 espresso cup and saucers, 4 mugs, 2 covered serving dishes, one large covered serving dish, 4 serving platters, 3 serving bowls, 2 gravy dishes with underplates, 2 pitchers, 2 creamers, 2 pairs of salt and pepper shakers, a covered sugar, a coffee pot, a teapot and a serving fork and spoon, each with a white, chartreuse or sea foam ground; 122 items total. Length of largest platter 13 1/2 inches.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers