A signed short snorter collected by Frank Sawyers, personal valet to Winston Churchill, likely while in Marrakech while individuals visited Churchill, as the bill states "Marrakech Chapter," over 40 signatures, including Franklin D. Roosevelt, King George VI, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and others. Winston Churchill's signature is missing; Randolph S. Churchill, however, signs his name to the bill ("R.S. Churchill"). (Front) Anthony Eden, H.H. Arnold, Hastings Ismay, and others (illegible); (Back) "Short Snorter, F. Sawyers, Marrakech Chapter." George Durno, Frank Perry, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, King George VI, Louis Mountbatten others (illegible). [Together with:] another short snorter, of unknown origin, containing multiple signatures including the following: (Front) Francis Cardinal Spellman, and four others; (Back) Jack Biddle, Capt. U.S.A., Anthony Biddle, M. McKeogh, John A. Marshall, and others. As described by Francis Cardinal Spellman in 1933: "A 'short snorter' is one who has crossed the ocean in an airplane. The certificate of membership in this society consists of signatures on a dollar bill which must be always in a short snorter's possession. If the person challenged is unable to produce the certificate of his short snortship, he is penalized by being obliged to treat everyone to a short 'snort,' that is, a small drink. The price of the treat has now been stabilized at a dollar." (NY, 1933. P. 70)

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