Autographed document. List of Candidates for Promotion, with memoranda in the autograph of Napoleon 30 times, granting or refusing, as noted. 4 pp., undated [c. 1800], and in conformity with the "Acte Constitutional" of August 27, of that year. Stitched top and bottom, with the tri-color ribbon. An unusual document, presented by the Minister of War to the Emperor, and giving a list of thirty names of members of the army-corps recommended for promotion occasioned by the death, resignation, or transfer of others. In 22 instances Napoleon has written "accorde"; in seven, "refuse"; and in one [illeg.]. The names listed include - Mallet, Chorant, Frelois Dumoulin, Bruges, Richomme, &c., names not readily placed historically, though a number may have become famous later. The document has been carefully ruled in ink and pencil, and describes the places to be filled, names and grades of the soldiers proposed, &c.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers