comprising a serving spoon, serving fork and sugar tongs by S. Kirk & Sons, a set of five teaspoons by Wm. B. Durgin, a pair of sugar tongs and a berry spoon by Reed & Barton, two salt spoons and a pierced spoon by Gorham, 13 additional examples by various makers, including two pie servers, two sauce ladles, a fish knife, an olive fork, two salt spoons, a soup spoon, a pair of sugar tongs and three napkin rings, together with two bread plates, two handled cups, a pair of salt cellars with cobalt liners and salt spoons, two silver mounted glass jars and an English silver spoon, London, 1801, maker's mark rubbed; approximate total weighable 34.08 ozt. Length of longest 10 1/8 inches.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers