With Illustrations by H. K. Browne. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1857. 20 numbers bound in 19 monthly parts. 8vo, original blue printed wrappers, custom cloth-backed folding case. First edition, first issue, with "Rigaud" for "Blandois" on p. 469, "William" for "Frederick" on p. 317 line 27, B2 instead of BB2 on p. 371. With frontispiece, engraved title and 38 engraved plates by H.K. Browne. With all advertisements as called for by Hatton & Cleaver except as follows: rear ads nos. 2 and 12; "no. 1 of The Train" to no. 1; "Household Wares" slip no. 13. 4-page "Curiosities of London" ad called for by Hatton and Cleaver to no. 15 duplicated in no. 14; Dr. De Jongh ad to part 10 without W.S. Johnson imprint. Rear wrapper and final leaves of advertisements detached on part 1 and upper wrapper beginning to detach; rear wrap and two leaves of ads detached part 12; some ads laid in; manuscript ex-libris to upper wrap part 3, 9 and 12.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers