London: Macmillan, 1866. 8vo, full levant morocco by Stikeman, marbled endpapers, a.e.g., inner dentelles gilt, original gilt-stamped cloth tipped in rear. First Published (second English) edition. The first edition of 2,000 was recalled by Dodgson, following the unsatisfactory printing of Tenniel's illustrations, and was never offered for public sale. Hinges starting and cracked slightly; fading to leather; f.f.e.p. detached; otherwise fine. (Tipped-in:) Autographed letter signed "C. L. Dodgson, T. O.," 4 pp., on a bifolium, in purple ink. Dodgson writes to a young friend in a similar tone to the conversational style of Alice and the Wonderland residents and their plays on logic: "My dear Ella, It certainly had occurred to me, from constantly seeing you at Church, that you must be a little better, and that at any rate there was a hope that you would not be confined to your bed much longer - but ideas take a long time in getting into my mind. If (my mind) is like some grand building (say the Taylor Building or the New Museum) with a careful porter at the door - and ideas have no chance of getting in unless with good introductions. Now when will you come? We have a college meeting at 1 1/2 today, but not likely it will be over by 3 . . . If it is over by 3, it will be; and if it isn't it won't be. That's logic (This is a quotation - from Aliom's History of Europe? or some such name - but I dare say you don't read books). And I will show you a picture of Maud Price tha Read more…

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