London: By the Author, 1841. [but 1892] 2 vols. 8vo, original gilt-lettered and pictorial gilt and black stamped red cloth covers and spines, decorative endpapers, frontispieces. Illustrated with 400 illustrations on 180 sheets after Catlin's original engravings. Light soiling to boards; wear to joints; hinges cracked. Together with London: Gall and Inglis, c. 1890. 8vo, pictorial blue cloth stamped in gold, red and black, a.e.g., brown endpapers. Illustrated with frontispiece, 3 engraved plates and numerous in-text illustrations. Soiling to boards; edgewear; ephemera tipped to front pastedown; hinges starting. (3)

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers