A group of 34 volumes, including works by Virgil, Horace, Plutarch, Cesar, Quintilian, Curtius and Catullus. Mainly eighteenth-century vellum. By Virgil. Neapoli: Typographia Abbatiana, 1755. Vol.1. By Virgil. Paris: Les Marchands de Nouveautes, 1811. Vol. 2. By Virgil. Patavii: Joannein Manfre, 1714. Vol. 2., n.l., n.d. By Horace. Neapoli: Pauli Severini, 1789. With 3 others by Horace. By Pamela. Venezia: Giacomo-Antonio Venacci, 1756. Vols. 1, 2 and 4. By Quintilian. Gryphium Lugduni, 1531. n.l. By Giacomo Lubrano. Napoli: Michele Luigi Mutii, 1690. By Thom. Farnabii. Neapoli: Andreae Migliaccio, 1769. By P. Terentii. Mediolani: Imper. Monast. S. Ambrosii Majoris, 1780. Vols. 1 and 2. By Girolamo Tiraboschi. Napoli: Giovanni Muccis, 1777. By Sallustius. London, 1804. Vol. 4. Panormi: Typographia Francisci Abatis, 1817. With 15 others.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers