London: Printed by S. Buckley, 1722. Folio, full calf. First edition. Layer was at the center of the 'wondrous plot', a conspiracy to establish James, the Old Pretender, on the throne of England. He met in Rome in the summer of 1721 with the Pretender to the throne and revealed the details of a wondrous plot. He attempted to enlist disgruntled soldiers, seize the Tower, the Mint, the Bank, and other public buildings, secure the royal family, and murder the commander-in-chief and ministers. The case was carried to the court of king's bench on Oct. 31, 1722. He was found guilty, hanged, drawn, and quartered at Tyburn in May 1723. His severed head was placed above Temple-bar. Minor edgewear to boards; age darkening to some leaves; otherwise fine. $200 to $300

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