New York: Doubleday, 1958. 8vo, gray cloth-backed boards, dust jacket. First edition, second printing. Rare inscribed presentation sheet laid in, "For Dr. John F. Pick with my deepest respect, admiration and gratitude. Nathan J. Leopold, Jr. Feb. 27, 1958." This is a very rare presentation copy. Together with eight books by or about Leopold's defense attorney, Clarence Darrow. Including: By Irving Stone. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1941. Inscribed. First edition, first printing. By Clarence Darrow. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1932. First edition, including deleted chapter on the Massie Trial (pull-out section) laid in. In original dust jacket. With many uncut pages. By Clarence Darrow. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1963. In dust jacket. First edition, first printing. By Clarence Darrow. New York, 1904. First edition. By Clarence Darrow and Wallace Rice. Boston: The Stratford Company, 1929. Second printing. In dust jacket. By Maureen McKernan. With an introduction by Clarence Darrow. Chicago: Plymouth Court Press, 1924. By Abe C. Ravitz. In dust jacket. Clarence Darrow: Attorney for the Damned. Edited by Arthur Weinberg. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957. Fourth printing. In dust jacket. Also with two Blue Book reports on Darrow's trials. Golden Press, 1912. With laid in ephemera. And five other pamphlets. (16)

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