A group of two letters from the collection of Will H. Hays from polar explorer Richard E. Byrd. A handwritten letter dated May 10, 1936 has Byrd expressing, on the anniversary of his return from the South Pole, his deep appreciation for assistance which helped "take possession of thousands of square miles of new territory for the United States." It includes a piece of the insulation from the wall of the Advance Meteorological Base, "the southernmost habitation ever occupied by man." The second, a typed letter signed, dated June 25 1936, lets Hays know that he has decided to name one of the mountains he discovered after Hays, and encourages Hays to run for President. Signed Dick Byrd, with handwritten postscript. Together with By Richard E. Byrd. New York: G.P. Putnam and sons, 1938. In dust jacket. Inscribed by Byrd to Hays on half-title. And another copy of inscribed, lacking dust jacket.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers